Welcome to "Only Mark"
A blog for my random tales that truly seem to only happen to me. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wait for it...

Okay, in an effort to not be a lazy blogger, I'm going to encourage myself to post by letting you know things to come. The 'rents are rolling through town tomorrow night, so I won't be blogging then, as I'll be playing host; and I'm heading up to the mountains this weekend, so blogging will be pretty light then as well. Don't worry, though... a weekend with the parents almost guarantees some great blogging material for next week! (Note to self...blog about my parents picking me up from the airport in full costume!)

Before I leave though, I'm going to try my best to add a few posts. I'll definitely add one or two more segments of "What's in Mark's DVR?" (you didn't really think I was done with 2 shows, did you?). I was also going to post something about my thoughts on Halloween, but that may get postponed until next week. Hopefully I'll be able to make at least one random post before I leave Saturday morning. Either more insight into the complex (but not necessarily deep) character that is Mark, or at the very least, I'll type up one of my "Only Mark" stories for you. Either way, expect at least 2-3 more posts before the weekend. Don't read them all at once, though...use some self control and ration them out for a full weekend of entertainment! Trust me, a little bit of me goes a looooong way!

Oh yeah, I'm also quitting job #2 this week! Technically, I suppose I quit 2 weeks ago, but the point is, my last day is Friday! Yay!!! Perhaps I'll post something special to celebrate, who knows!

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