Welcome to "Only Mark"
A blog for my random tales that truly seem to only happen to me. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pardon me, is your refrigerator running?

Cuz Mark sure isn't!

Okay, sorry for the lame title/intro...it's late and I couldn't think of anything else. Go ahead, make fun of me.

I really do need to go running though. Perhaps you'll remember all the progress I was making...up to 2 miles around the neighborhood - with hills! But alas, I've gotten lazy. And uninspired. But mainly just lazy. I actually haven't been running since several days before Thanksgiving! which means it's been well over a week since I last sweated it out on the asphalt. In my defense, it has been cold (kinda) and rainy (well, one day) and I was on vacation (only for about 2 days). Alright, I know my excuses are weak...and so am I. :( I'll get back on board.

I may or may not be able to tomorrow night...ooh, and I actually have something to do Thursday night, and I'm going to be out of town Friday. Well, I guess I just need to get over my excuses and do it anyway...I can work my schedule out if I really want to. Alright, it's official, I'm running both tomorrow night and Thursday, regardless of what time I have to do it! Hold me to it friends!

Oh yeah...the car is going to the dealership again tomorrow morning to get the CV-thing replaced again. My goal is that this will be the last time this year it goes to the shop. It's only 34 days...is that too much to ask?

**UPDATE: Ack! As I was writing this post and trying to link back to previous running stories, I realized it's been a lot longer than I thought since I went running. I was under the impression that I last went out the weekend before Thanksgiving, but that was the weekend I took myself shopping and to dinner and then discovered the car issues, so I decided it was a good day to put on pajamas and stay on the couch all day. I've certainly had plenty to eat and drink since then...maybe I should go out twice tomorrow and twice on Thursday. Yikes!!

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