Welcome to "Only Mark"
A blog for my random tales that truly seem to only happen to me. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Unexpected Beautiful Day!

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting much, or at least not anything exciting, lately. I've kinda had a lot on my mind and haven't felt much like posting. Everything's good though, and I'll update you all on it hopefully over the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, I'll fill you in on my weekend I guess. Nothing particularly exciting, but it was a great weekend in my opinion. Friday night was a night spent in (as you probably noticed from my last couple of posts), but a relaxing one.

Saturday morning I woke up ridiculously early to go for a run. Remember that bridge run I'm training for? Well my running group does a run every Saturday morning...insane, I know. We meet at about 6:45 am or so, do some stretches and all, then start running just after 7...AM!!! Let me let you in on a little secret (which is painfully obvious to anyone who has ever met me)...M
ark IS NOT a morning person! I'd rather stay up until 4 am doing stuff than getting up at 6 or 7 in the morning to get things accomplished any day of the week!

But yes, I was up at like 6:30 or so, grabbed a bagel and some orange juice, then drove down to the shop where we meet. We stretched and then started our run (well...to be fair, most of the people started the run, up to the loop we were going to...myself and a few other beginners drove to the loop. It seems their "warm up" running was almost two miles...then they started the run. That's a bit much for me at this stage in the game, haha.) I ended up running about 3 miles or so, and I was very pleased with that. I also ran into a couple people I knew, as there was going to be a 5k run there a bit later in the morning and I knew a few people setting up for that. After the run, I went back down to the shop, had some fruit and juice and all and we just kinda talked about what our running plan for the next week would be. At this point...I've already eaten breakfast twice and run 3 miles before 9am! Normally, I'm not even up by 9, so I was feeling pretty accomplished!

After the run, a friend of mine who runs with me joined me as we went out for breakfast. (yes, if you're counting, that would be the 3rd one of the day.) We went to a place (hmmm...apparently it's a national chain. Who knew? Still great!) up the road from me which is like THE official place to eat breakfast on my side of town. SOOOO good! There was like a 20 minute wait for a table when we got there (yea...it's t
hat good) so we hung out for a bit and had an amazing breakfast! I had french toast with just the right amount of egg batter, good thick bacon and coffee. MMMM. Oh, I also ran into some other people I knew, so I got to catch up with them for a bit, which was nice. When we left there at about 11:30, we walked out to what was the most beautiful day!! Seriously...weather in the low 70's, blue skies, gorgeous!!!

When I got home, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to knock out some yard work I'd been avoiding, so I spent the afternoon finishing removing a piece of my fence, raking my driveway and the entire front yard, removing a couple stumps from out front and washing my car. Oh yeah, I also got to play with the new puppy my neighbor got the day before, haha. Apparently Saturday was the official day to go walk your pet/children/spouse/whatever! haha I guess the weather dragged everyone outside, but I actually got to meet and chat with several of my neighbors...which is nice, b/c I hardly get to see anyone around here...everyone seems to keep to themselves mostly. I guess that unexpected beautiful day in February just brought out the best in everyone.

Oh, I did get to meet this one old couple who have probably lived in my neighborhood for at least 30 years or so. They apparently have a little loop they like to walk around for exercise, but I thought it was really funny to see them. The old man was wearing like khaki pants and a button down shirt and the lady was in a dress and some of those old lady dress shoes. Anyway, not exactly what you'd expect to see someone out exercising in, but I guess it wasn't the most vigorous walk ever, so they were okay. I can't wait until I'm so old that I just stay dressed nice all the time. That way, I suppose you're always prepared for whatever happens! haha

Anyway, I came in Saturday night, had some dinner and did some touch up painting where I had to patch some cracks in the walls of my guest bedroom. All-in-all, a day of accomplishment. I was pleased. Sunday, I pretty much slept all day to recover, haha. It was a good weekend though and I could use a lot more like that!

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